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COLONIC / DETOXIFICATION- Celebrate Aliveness!

​33% is about what goes in

33% is about what happens inside

33% is about what comes out.

What part do you pay most attention to?

Many only pay attention to the first 33%.


Fecal matter can accumulate and harden in the colon which can cause:

  • Low energy.

  • Bloating, gas and constipation.

  • Skin problems from autointoxication - when toxins are reabsorbed.

  • Malabsorption of water and nutrients.


A colonic is like doing yoga for your colon.
Disposable speculum and tubing are used to introduce filtered and sterilized water into the colon.
The water is the medium for recent waste to leave with the out flow and to hydrate and loosen older fecal matter.
I will work to your comfort level maintaining a constant dialogue about what I am doing and what you are experiencing. I work to make each colonic as comfortable and effective as possible.
The more 'out of shape' you colon is the more likely you will feel the 'exercising' from the water going in and out. Time to spend on the toilet is included in the 1 hour session.
Menstruating? Many women find a colonic makes it more comfortable. 
Before the colonic:
  • Avoid food for 2 hours before and be hydrated.
After the colonic:
  • You can go about your normal activities.
  • Be near a bathroom when you drink or eat anything including water.
  • Most feel lighter and have more energy. Some prefer to take it easy.

Convenient hours and Gramercy Park location.

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